Primary Characters
[Stavroula "Stinky" Kyari] [Class: Cleric] [Race: Satyr]

A young acolyte,
follower of Denizen, god of the grave. Abandoned as an infant on
the outskirts of a farming hamlet, Stavroula had an extremely
modest upbringing. Though she found herself initiated into the
church by life circumstance rather than choice, she finds herself
genuinely drawn to his teachings and the path of a Grave cleric.
She serves under her mentor Father Uvier at the Temple of the
Pantheon, a one-of-a-kind megachurch that caters to every god in
Glade's pantheon. Along with the other grave acolytes, her
vocation involves embalming and funeral services. Her name was
given to her by her adoptive mother - the other temple children
found this name unwieldy and had taken to calling her "Stinky".
She seems to have accepted this name and even introduces herself
as such.
Personality: Stavroula would be described by others as
both "well-meaning and friendly" and "exceptionally dull-witted". Though
she can read and write in two languages (common and infernal) she does not
appear motivated by intellectual pursuits and would rather play or read
pictorial tomes. She has a cheerful, exuberant demeanor and rarely appears
downcast. Good hearted and empathetic, she naturally presumes the same of
others and possesses a near complete inability to detect ill-intentioned
people, and so is prone to being swindled or manipulated. Despite her
supportive adoptive family her early abandonment and awareness of her own
cognitive shortcomings weigh upon her and she views herself as
unimpressive and unworthy of love. For this reason she seeks out praise
and readily clings to those who provide her with positive attention.
Appearance: A 4' tall satyr with dark brown skin and
fur. Shoulder-length platinum hair frames a friendly-looking face bearing
brown downward-sloping eyes and a small black nose. Her full figure seems
to strain at the fabric of a worn grey habit probably sized for a child.
Short furred legs peek out from under the hem of her robe, ending in
hooves. Two cream-colored ram horns protrude from her head, curling
forward. It appears that her headdress has not been tailored around them
and they have been fed through crudely-cut holes in her veil. Her ovine
ears are pierced with plain silver sleepers.
Fighting style: A mid-line fighter who battles with a
shield and her soulbound flail, Blind Justice. She calls upon the power of
the God she pledged herself to and supports her partymates with malignant,
necromantic magics that seem entirely at odds with her sunny personality.
[Ida] [Class: Barbarian/Druid] [Race: Gnome]

Ida (full name
Idaliope Summer Daphiphina Cedarsap) was approaching the age where
she would be expected to take on the role of Leafspeaker for her
village, like her mother before her. At this time Ida was
undertaking her mandatory gnomish military service. She deserted
and abandoned her home after an incident where, in the chaos of
battle, Ida accidentally shot and wounded a civilian (a satyr
child). While fleeing, Ida met Claudette, a dwarven bard, who
taught her the ways of wilderness survival, self-sufficiency and
supporting a nomadic lifestyle. During this time Ida learned to
play a musical instrument. They traveled together for a number of
years before parting ways. Ida would eventually
find herself living out of Fenside's Inn, befriending Stavroula
and Uusi.
Personality: Trusting
and helpful almost to a fault, Ida is quick to assist anyone seeking aid.
She favors straightforward solutions, often encouraging others to take up
the call to adventure just as she did many years ago and will often share
or donate valuable resources. However, Ida's helpfulness and mercy appear
to have a limit - she believes in her own sense of justice so strongly
that she is frequently willing to kill those who, in her view, have been
presented with ample opportunity to mend their ways and failed to do so.
In social situations Ida is confident and boisterous, taking lovers of
both sexes and displaying a lack of shame. She is skilled at playing the
Appearance: (Second Transformation - Current) A gold-eyed
gnome standing at approximately 4' with a broad, muscled physique, hinting
at supernatural strength. Voluminous hip-length brown hair is parted by
two ursine ears, each with two silver cuffs. Now fully a gnome/bear
chimera, Ida's limbs have become fully beastial, covered in thick brown
fur and ending in broad clawed paws. She normally wears a
single-shouldered white toga with a decorative blue tasseled apron.
(First Transformation) A gold-eyed gnome standing at approximately 3'6"
with a broad, muscled physique, hinting at supernatural strength. Wild
blonde hair is parted by two ursine ears, each with two silver cuffs. A
small, fluffy brown bear tail can be seen pulled through the seat of her
pants. Her teeth resemble those of a carnivore and she is missing her
upper-left canine, which was extracted to facilitate her transformation.
She normally wears a simple orange tunic with a cord tied around her
(Original) A pale-skinned gnome with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair
normally drawn back into a simple bun. Both of her prominent, pointed ears
are pierced twice with silver cuffs. She wears simple adventurer's clothes
dyed an emerald green. Ordinarily she prefers wearing simple, utilitarian
adventurer's clothes that don't restrict her movement but she secretly
enjoys dressing up and has a number of outfits stored in her shiftweave.
Fighting style: A sturdy frontline fighter who normally
takes the form of a large bear in battle. While in her usual gnome form
she is also able to use a circlet to channel a portion of power from
Azahina, the Goddess of War.
[Uusi] [Class: Wizard] [Race: Kobold]

A kobold hatched from
an egg poached from the lair of a black dragon by a bandit
syndicate, later purchased by the wizard Ezhar. Uusi was raised at
his emporium and library in the town of Fenside as a maid, though
in reality was more of a daughter. Upon displaying magical
aptitude Ezhar would take her on as an apprentice, teaching her
the foundations of wizardry. An obsession with dragons and their
destructive powers as a child would lead her to an fixation on
evocation magics as a young adult. Genuinely believing herself to
be the strongest mage in all of Glade, she dedicates herself to
perfecting her chosen field of evocation and unraveling the
secrets of the arcane she travels the world in search of artifacts
and novel spells.
Personality: A fiery personality always
ready to boast about her achievements, both actual and fictional. She
often creates elaborate titles for herself and sometimes for others. Uusi
carries the soul of a performer who wishes to inspire awe, utilizing her
magic in ways to dazzle and captivate an audience. Despite her charisma,
people sometimes see through her self-aggrandizement. However, she is
stubborn to a fault and will maintain a narrative even if it's clearly
been realized - perhaps because she truly believes it herself. Her
speaking style can be described as sesquipedalian, using large and archaic
words to put her intellect on display in every situation. Though she
projects a self-centered outward appearance, she will often put others
before herself and will lend a hand to help in any situation.
Appearance: The offspring of a
black dragon, Uusi stands approximately 3' tall. Her body bears a 'point'
pattern, predominately white with scales transitioning in a gradient from
grey to black on her facial spines, horns, hands, feet, tail and around
her eyes. At a glance her eyes appear pitch black but under light are
shown to actually be a very dark green. Her wide, heavy tail sometimes
drags on the ground behind her and she can brace herself on it like a
third leg. She wears traditional wizard garb in shades of purple
consisting of a robe, poncho and wide-brimmed pointed hat (which has been
tailored to accommodate her horns).
Fighting style: A mage who enjoys large, flashy
offensive spells and specializes in evocation magic. She alternately uses
her staff or her grimoire, Fulminating Treatise, as her spellcasting
[Tor Runescrivner] [Class: Fighter] [Race: Firbolg]

A former adventurer
and skilled rune-carver. Long ago prior to his arrival in Feylin,
Tor's home was decimated by a series of natural disasters
following the ripple. His family survived but the land was
rendered unlivable. Tor would carve runes of commemoration into
the remains of the dead land, manifesting his intentions into the
etchings and hoping that, over time, the land would heal itself.
He set out to find a place where his runecrafting would be of use,
intending to hone his abilities and return to complete the
restoration. This search led him to joining a group of
adventurers, including Sandrene. It was during this time he
learned to fight. While his partymates continued to enjoy their
fame and renown following their delve into the Underdark, Tor
retired deep in the Oswian jungle and enjoyed a life of near-total
isolation for a number of years, only emerging into civilization
to trade with the orcs. He came to view himself as the guardian of
the jungle and sought to protect it from the corruptive forces
encroaching on the land.
Personality: Tor is a good-natured,
peaceful and thoughtful firbolg. Like many of his kind, he possesses a
strong connection with nature and feels compelled to protect it. Many
years of isolation have eroded his social skills somewhat and he seems
unsure of how to respond to certain situations. His rune-carving magic is
both innate and artistic in nature. Thus, he prefers not to discuss the
process or theory with anyone (especially with the ever-curious Sandrene),
reasoning that it is an intuitive type of magic that cannot be taught and
must be 'felt'.
Appearance: A 7' tall Firbolg with dusty blue skin, bovine
horns and a mop of red hair. He is normally seen wearing partial-plate
armor with a green-and-gold tunic and leather work gloves.
Fighting style: A frontline fighter who wields a warpick
on the battlefield and also employs magic from his runes, both offensively
and also to bolster his own abilities.
[Sandrene] [Class: Artificer] [Race: Half-elf]

A highly intelligent
half-elf engineer and former soldier for the high elf nation of
Ria'tal'uth. Born from a human father and elven mother, Sandrene
nevertheless aspired to embody the ideals of the high elves and
integrate into elven society. She would later desert her country
upon uncovering a mass grave consisting of both humans and
half-elves while on an assignment, revealing the truth of what her
countrymen thought of her kind. Resourceful and cunning, she
managed to steal and re-outfit a military airship when she escaped
and dubbed it the Angel of Opulence. She has since spent a number
of years traveling the world and skirting a delicate line between
evading the attempts of her country to recover her and pursuing
her own research into the Deepforged. She is a former partymate of
Personality: Sandrene is primarily driven by the pursuit
of knowledge, indulging her pet projects and passions. As a result, this
half-elf has many fingers in many pies - highly mobile due to her airship
and willing to apply her services in exchange for information, she has
established connections with various individuals and communities in all
corners of Glade. Although she withdrew from elven society and holds
contempt for the notions of elven superiority, she continues to follow Tir
Frig as her god, albeit with mixed emotions. She suffers as a result of
her early life experiences, the effects of the Blight that severely (and
seemingly irreversibly) weakened her body and Zilch's neglect. Despite her
innumerable hardships she retains a sense of humor and enjoys puns and
bawdy jokes.
Appearance: A formidable but weathered-looking half-elf
standing at 6'3" with broad shoulders and masculine facial features. She
is normally wearing a full suit of living armor that doubles as an
assistive device, semi-concealed by a bulky green military-style longcoat.
Beneath all her armor and clothing her body is actually extremely frail
after being exposed to the toxic environment of the Mage Blight for an
extended period of time. Her long one-length hair appears a brilliant
white but on closer inspection appears to have a dull, pearlescent sheen
with shifting tones of pink, purple and blue. Gold eyes flecked with red
and green hint at her fae heritage.