On Radiant Primordians

There are five aspects of Primordius, and all but one are shared by a sub-race of giants and a sub-race of primordians.

Volt primordians and fire giants receive the aspect of Logos. Water primordians and stone giants receive the aspect of Ars. Dust primordians and cloud giants receive the aspect of Ethos. Flame primordians and frost giants receive the aspect of Pathos. Only forest giants receive the aspect of Socius.

So, why is there no type of primordian that is looked upon by the aspect of Socius? Well, there may have been, in the distant past. Scholars believe that there existed a fifth subspecies of primordian and recent anthropological discoveries seem to point to them exhibiting radiant magics. For this reason they are tentatively called "Luminous primordians" or "Lumians".

Evidence in recently unearthed dig sites indicate a race that were previously believed to be surface-dwelling flame primordians inhabiting regions of every major continent. Their aspect of Socius seems to have allowed them to develop a language simple enough to be adopted by much of the world as a bridge between other languages. This language is believed to have evolved into modern-day common.

As for their fate, not much is known, but two main theories regarding their disappearance have emerged:

1. Their civilization became over-extended and collapsed, while the people were wiped out by war or disease or a combination of the two.

2. The race lost their inherent radiant abilities and became indistinguishable from humans, perhaps integrating with them.