On Volt Primordians and their Stereotypes

There is a popular belief in Gladian media that volt primordians, hereby referred to as aethians, are unable to show dishonesty. Surely a creature that lives its life in accordance to the aspect of Logos would find it illogical to lie. This is a comically inaccurate mischaracterization of the aethian people.

Primordius' aspect of Logos is diametrically opposed to his aspect of Socius. It follows then that aethians are as supremely logical as they are selfish. They are entirely aware of this, so when requesting any favor from a fellow aethian, the most logical course of action is to lie so that it seems that the favor will benefit the party performing it. In this way, aethians lie as easily as they breathe and their language reflects that. Aethian primordian is much more vague than the other dialects, lacking many adjectives and adverbs. In addition, they have dozens of different words that roughly translate to "I promise" with the strongest of these words holding enforceable legal power. There are many more subtle differences and they all benefit the practice of dishonesty.

So, why the stereotype? It seems aethians are much more honest when dealing in languages other than primordian. Perhaps it is because they have less practice lying in those languages, or perhaps because they know their trading partners have much less muted emotions and could retaliate if a lie were revealed. Perhaps they lie just as much to us surface-folk, but we have yet to acknowledge it.

On Volt Primordians' Fabulous Braids

If you ever get a chance to visit an aethian flying city, keep an eye out for their incredible braids!

Aethians do not often indulge in art, but they make an exception for their beautiful and intricate traditional braiding techniques. On my travels I've seen as many as 36 different types of braids sitting on one elder's scalp, as an extreme example. More often however, an aethian's wiry, metallic hair will be pulled back into one to three braids with a wide range of lengths.

On your next visit, feel free to stop by a stylist to get your own hair braided. Just be careful not to touch the hair of any aethians, unless your hands are well-insulated!