Glade Almanac

Glade's calendar is divided into 12 months (each named after an associated constellation) with each month comprised of 3 weeks spanning 10 days each. A week is either called a week or a tenday. The days of the week are oneday, twoday, threeday and so on.

Five major holidays exist outside of the numerical calendar: the Festival of Tir Frig (spring equinox) before the first day of Pelicanus, the festival of Primordius (summer solstice) before the first day of Cygnus, the festival of Whillip (autumn equinox) before the first day of Helianthus, and the feasts of Abednego and Asclepius (winter solstice, called Yearsend and Newday respectively) that mark the end and beginning of a year.

The proper names of the twelve months are Erisophimim, Eristetol, Denpelicanus, Denugrift, Denfercho, Archicygnus, Archianura, Archiurodelus, Vershelianthus, Versconnilus, Versatorcoppe and Eriselpius. However, the full names of the months are generally only used in written documents and rarely spoken. In everyday conversation, the months are merely referred to by the name of the constellation or simply "late spring", "early winter" etc.

Glade Zodiac

1 - Ophimim, the Serpent
[Earth] | [Mid Winter] | [Transformation]

A new year begins under Ophimim, a constellation depicting a great coiled serpent. Ophimim represents the inevitable cycle of creation and destruction, beginnings and ends, death and rebirth. Ophimim's alpha star, Cianosi, burns bright at the center of the constellation and is associated with birth and new beginnings - some say it's the gestating seed of the next universe.

Those born under the sign of Ophimim are said to be ambitious, adaptable and resilient. Rarely content to simply go with the flow of life, those born of Ophimim desire a particular purpose to fulfill or life path to walk. Without a direction for their ambition, these individuals can often succumb to self-defeating cycles and destructive habits. They are often misunderstood. Ophimim is associated with embalmers, gravediggers and midwives.

2 - Stetol, the Hunter
[Air] | [Late Winter] | [Independence]

The constellation of Stetol conveys the shape of a crossbow, said to have belonged to a famed satyr hunter of the same name. In the Northern continent the appearance of Stetol portends the coming of snowmelt and the beginning of spring.

Those born under Stetol are said to be tenacious, decisive and self-reliant. Due to their solitary natures they can appear standoffish and unfriendly compared to other signs of the zodiac. They understand their own minds best and do not always comprehend the feelings and opinions of others. Because they so strongly value self-sufficiency they often posses myriad skills and proficiencies picked up over a lifetime. Children of this sign seem serious but are exceptionally fast learners. Stetol is associated with hunters, woodsmen and fletchers.

3 - Pelicanus, the Pelican
[Water] | [Early Spring] | [Abundance]

The constellation of Pelicanus resembles a pelican on profile, gular bulging with its prodigious catch. Lals, the constellation's alpha star, glows a dim white and forms the pelican's eye. Some say it seems to impart a mischievous glint.

Those born under the sign of Pelicanus are said to be gregarious, materialistic and unusually lucky. They are lively conversationalists and naturally gifted at the art of persuasion. Despite their love of money and material goods, they are not prone to hoarding and these individuals are often surprisingly generous, especially with their loved ones. Pelicanus is associated with fishermen, merchants and treasurers.

4 - Ugrift, the Farrier
[Fire] | [Mid Spring] | [Kindness]

This constellation depicts Ugrift, the legendary farrier and blacksmith, standing proud with a rasp in one hand and a horseshoe in the other. Whether Ugrift was a human or a dwarf in life has been lost to time and is a subject of intense debate. On the northern continent of Glade, Ugrift quelled a dispute between his people and the neighboring centaur nation by gifting a high priestess with fine mithril horseshoes.

Those born under the sign of Ugrift are said to be kindhearted, unpretentious and skilled with their hands. Known for their seemingly infinite wellspring of patience, those born under Ugrift make for adept diplomats, loyal friends and doting parents. They are particularly averse to conflict and seem to have a tendency to insert themselves into affairs that don't concern them, even when their attempts at mediation are unwelcome. Ugrift is associated with blacksmiths, farriers, cobblers and jewelers.

5 - Fercho, the Capybara
[Earth] | [Late Spring] | [Communication]

The constellation of Fercho resembles a rare creature only found in certain parts of the Northern continent known as a capybara, said to have the appearance of a large, round rodent with the flat, webbed feet of a duck. These peaceful herbivores live next to natural hot springs and have an affinity for clementines.

Those born under the sign of Fercho are said to be agreeable, trustworthy and modest. They are social chameleons with the uncanny ability to blend into any situation and befriend almost anyone. At their best, these individuals are well-loved members of their community who make connections easily. At their worst, they are highly indecisive and easily influenced by those who do not have their best interests at heart, as they tend to absorb the traits of those those associate with most. Fercho is associated with chefs, and bath house keepers.

6 - Cygnus, the Swan
[Air] | [Early Summer] | [Beauty]

A prominent and bright summer constellation, the shape of Cygnus' stars sketch out the distinctive silhouette of a swan on a lake. Above, the swan appears to glide effortlessly across the water. Below the surface, its webbed feet kick in an unseen effort, a metaphor for the dissonance between the private creative struggle of artists and the final, polished work presented to public eyes. Cygnus is sometimes depicted as a winged woman, cursed to live as a swan for all but a few hours of the night until true love would break her curse. This is an especially popular and fortuitous time of year for couples to marry.

Those born under the sign of Cygnus are said to be sophisticated, creative and intuitive. They feel deeply and are sensitive souls, easily influenced by the emotions of those around them. Even when those born of Cygnus are not involved in artistic pursuits, they possess a strong sense of aesthetics and an appreciation of beautiful things. They tend to be night owls. Cygnus is associated with lovers and artists of all stripes: painters, sculptors, poets, musicians and dancers.

7 - Anura, the Frog
[Water] | [Mid Summer] | [Celebration]

It's sometimes said that, in another time, the Boags were once a race of jovial frog-morphs. The constellation of Anura resembles two leaping frogs - Anura Major and Anura Minor - appearing at the centerpoint of the summer sky at the time frogs emerge from their long winter hibernation and fill the night air with their rousing chorus.

Those born under the sign of Anura are said to be charismatic, energetic and outgoing. These fun-loving individuals are poor at temperance and prone to excess. They are almost always extreme extroverts and desire the company of crowds, quickly becoming bored and depressed without a thriving social circle. In all matters but money, they tend to give good advice. Anura is associated with innkeepers, thespians and vintners.

8 - Urodelus, the Fireborn
[Fire] | [Late Summer] | [Freedom]

The late-summer constellation of Urodelus is shaped like a lizard standing on its hind legs and wielding a sword. It is said to depict "the salamander", the mythological first dragonborn to break free of his master's control and assert himself, eventually leading the way for the rest of his kind. Dragonborn and kobolds are fond of this constellation and what it represents - a proud past and a hopeful future - and often host viewing parties when it's most visible.

Those born under the sign of Urodelus are said to be honorable, proud and free-spirited. They mostly prefer to wear their heart on their sleeve and express themselves nakedly, but even the more placid-seeming individuals of this sign burn with passion below the surface and experience their emotions intensely. They can be quite romantic but because they value their freedom, they often fear commitment. Urodelus is associated with lawyers, warriors and sailors.

9 - Helianthus, the Sunflower
[Earth] | [Early Autumn] | [Happiness]

A constellation with an unexpectedly tragic story for all its associations, Helianthus depicts a singular sunflower. In artistic renditions the sunflower is usually carried by an orc woman known only as "the widow". Many illustrations over the ages have depicted the widow as a vast array of races, but by all accounts, the real-world individual said to have inspired the constellation was almost certainly an orc. A subsistence farmer who lost her soulmate very early in life, the widow had promised him she would continue to find happiness and that her memories of their brief time together would remain precious and a source of strength, not grief. She traveled the world of Glade, seeding sunflowers wherever she went. It's said there are still hidden places in the world where the innumerable offspring of the widow's sunflowers grow feral, in vast seas of yellow.

Those born under the sign of Helianthus are said to be optimistic, nurturing and innocent. An individual born under this sign benefits from being in company with more discerning people, as they can be too quick to trust. At times, they can appear bizarrely immune to negative emotions, but while they are exceptional optimists, they do suffer the slings and arrows of life like any other. Helianthus is associated with farmers, bakers, florists and travelers.

10 - Connilus, the Lagomorph
[Air] | [Mid Autumn] | [Knowledge]

This constellation relates to a myth telling of a strange, tawny rabbit-headed fae who only reveals herself to foragers on misty autumn mornings in order to trade rare herbs and mushrooms for potion recipes and enchantments. It's rumored that anyone who is able to impart any new knowledge to "Connie" will likely receive reagents not normally attainable on the physical plane. Like the fae herself, this constellation is rather small and is best viewed on the Autumn equinox, when it will be clearly visible on the southeastern horizon.

Those born under the sign of Connilus are said to be practical, studious and dedicated. Some pour all of their effort into refining one craft or field of study, others voraciously consume whatever captures their flickering interest, but all born of Connilus view themselves as lifelong students and love nothing more than expanding their minds (and often, the minds of others). At its extreme, this includes experimentation with strange fungi, tobacco and tinctures. Connilus is associated with foragers, healers, alchemists and apothecaries.

11 - Atorcoppe, the Weaver
[Water] | [Late Autumn] | [Secrets]

Visible throughout most of the year and one of the largest constellations in the night sky, Atorcoppe's eight arms stretch throughout the celestial canopy, weaving and arranging the tapestry of the universe just so. Throughout different time periods, cultures and languages he has been interpreted alternately as either a great divine spider or octopus.

Those born under the sign of Atorcoppe are said to be enigmatic, curious and intellectual. These individuals are often intensely private, even with their close loved ones. Ironically, they do not appear to honor the privacy of others. If a book is labelled "Forbidden Knowledge", a son of Atorcoppe will the be first to open it without a second thought. They seem unusually prone to prophetic dreams. Atorcoppe is associated with arcane magic users, seers, raconteurs and tailors.

12 - Elpius, the Hierophant
[Fire] | [Early Winter] | [Altruism]

The final constellation depicts Elpius, the elven hierophant, holding his lantern aloft. Elpius and his band of followers found themselves trapped in an unnatural, consuming fog while on pilgrimage. Although he was severely diminished from weeks of travel and rigorous fasting, Elpius nevertheless lit his magical lantern, which was powered by his life force, and led his followers through the night. He would later pass away at the end of their journey. This constellation's alpha star, Pukol, is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and resides within Elpius' lantern.

Those born under the sign of Elpius are said to be wise, cool-headed and natural leaders. These individuals project an aura of quiet confidence and people seem to naturally gravitate toward them. They are highly trustworthy and keep their word. Like the hierophant himself, those born under Elpius can be self-sacrificing to a fault and end up taking too much upon themselves. Elpius is associated with clergymen, teachers and politicians.